
Day 10 Halfway! 1,500 nm down, 1,500 nm to go, and we can almost taste the margaritas! With 10 days at sea under our belt, the crew has settled into a comfortable rhythm onboard Sea Dragon. Most days consist of cooking, reading, standing watch, resting, and occasionally dancing while helming. […]

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Squall City

After departing Hawaii we quickly entered new territory: squall city.  For the past few days we’ve had a great, strong breeze that’s pushed us upwind toward the high and allowed us to get familiar with Sea Dragon’s sails and reefing system. The weather initially put everyone’s seasickness medicine to the […]

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Ready for Sea

Wednesday June 2, 2021 The stowaways are beginning to multiply! Sea Dragon’s onboard team is now up to eight hearty souls! Yesterday Rebecca, Andrew, Bruce, Ben, and Jaden joined the boat and it was immediately obvious that this is going to be a great adventure! Despite long travel days, everyone […]

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Earth Day Adventures

What better way to celebrate Earth day than to be fully emerged in mother nature herself. The alarm rang at 6am and three sleepy crew climbed on deck, coffee in hand and began mixing paint to roll out the final topcoat on the deck. After debating whether or not we […]

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The Layovers

Many people ask us what we get up to in between trips… Other than missing the big blue, we spend a lot of time looking after Sea Dragon. She does such a good job of looking after us when we are exploring the oceans that it’s only fair that when we […]

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Sailing to Hawaii

A little over a week ago, a group of strangers met in Ensenada, Mexico to embark on a 2,600 nautical mile sailing expedition. For some it was a lifetime dream to sail on the open ocean while others spontaneously made the decision helped by the covid entrapment. The realization of […]

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More than Halfway!

3/25/21  1175 Nautical miles, 6 days and 3 showers ago we left the dock in Ensenada. We’re now halfway and can start counting down the miles to our destination in Hawaii.I imagine that it was the guilt for deserting us for such a long time that drove the sun to […]

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Debris at Sea

3/22/21 Much has changed since we last spoke and at the same time nothing at all. The weather is forever variable, while our routine remains the same. Most visible in the stillness of the ocean, is its sickness.  What started out a white smudge on the horizon, presented its ugly self […]

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At Sea Again!

It’s day 3, or so we think, as the days are beginning to merge into one another. After getting into the swing of things we thought it was about time to give you an update. The gods of the wind have been kind, gently easing us into life on the open […]

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