
Land Ho! After a total of 15 days and 2690 nautical miles on the open sea, Sea Dragon and her crew have made it to port in Oahu, Hawai’i! After a voyage consisting of lots of laughs, fishing, learning, sailing, and for the most part fair weather, it’s safe the […]

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Sunshine & Sashimi

Fish on! After some cold and wet nights, the Sea Dragon crew was rewarded with a couple days of back to back sunshine and blue skies. As we make our way to the warmer latitudes, the trade winds are starting to fill in nice and steady. With NE trade winds […]

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Blog #2: To the Big Blue

The mighty Sea Dragon is underway! Our crew has finally arrived in Ensenada. After a couple days of safety / domestic briefings, we have set sails and pointed our bow southwest. Destination, paradise. With the wind blowing mostly from the NW, we have been charging upwind through the Pacific on […]

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An Introduction

Aloha everyone,  My name is Gary Dzubilo. I am originally from Virginia (East Coast U.S.) , but am currently based out of Honolulu, Hawai’i. I am a sailor, surfer, fisherman, and all around ocean lover and advocate. I’m currently finishing up my last year at University studying Kinesology & Rehabilitation […]

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Sail Training

One of the most common questions we get from guests is whether we offer “official” training courses on board. We’ve always wanted to expand in this way, but haven’t found a way to do so that was quite right. That’s why when Charlie Triggs, who was an awesome deckhand with […]

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Red Velvet

Tuesday morning was not like the usual mornings at sea where sleepy crew are being woken up at all hours of the morning to stand their navigational watch. This particular morning, Marisa and Anna filled the cabin with the sweet sweet smell of baking. With the assistance of Otto, our […]

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In the Gyre

The great pacific swimming pool opened for the second time this week, a 360degree ocean view, 2.5km deep and completely private for our use. We switched the engine off and after some tactics chat about swinging angles, we rigged up and fine tuned the rope swing off the spinnaker pole. […]

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High Hopes

Monday morning, and the wind has died on us completely. We finally made it to the high pressure and have dropped the headsails and turned the engine on. The aim is to cross this big patch of no wind as quick as possible and start sailing again, so Otto (auto […]

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Thrown in at the Deep End

Well, the first few days were certainly upwind sailing!With the winds from the North/North East,  and a high pressure making its way slowly south, we wanted to make as much North as possible before the High comes over us. That meant heeling over at 20 degrees, waves crashing over the […]

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Out of Hawaii

So we’ve just had our first night at sea! It’s great to be back… apart from the fact that my omelette just slid off my plate and across the table. Sea Dragon continues to look after us well while enjoying some consistent breeze as we sail upwind hunting the North […]

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Hawaii, sweet Hawaii

Tuesday There’s still no wind, so we’re continuing North under engine with the main set. This morning, Jeff and I were convinced we saw land off the starboard bow, but when I went to check the chart plotter we were over 200nm from the Big Island. FISH ON!!!! After almost 2 weeks […]

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Are we There Yet?

Saturday: Oh. My. GOODNESS. Remember that meteor shower I mentioned a couple blogs ago? Well last night, the night sky put on a show. Massive shooting stars were flying from north to south, with tails trailing for at least a few seconds after the meteor had disappeared. And they were […]

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