What better way to celebrate Earth day than to be fully emerged in mother nature herself. The alarm rang at 6am and three sleepy crew climbed on deck, coffee in hand and began mixing paint to roll out the final topcoat on the deck.

After debating whether or not we had the perfect color mixed, we quickly retreated below deck to pack a lunch and get our hiking boots. Then with some practiced yoga moves, made our way over the wet paint and off the boat, into the car, and on our way to the stunning mountain ranges of Ohau.

We had planned to summit Mount Pu’u Palikea on the Ka’au crater trail which gives a 360 degree view of the entire island. Unfortunately, do to our excitement to go hiking and lack of research (or paint fumes..) we did not pack enough water for a 6 hour hike in peak tropical island summer heat. Regardless, it was a thrilling adventure that had us climbing up the side of waterfalls using ropes, tobogganing down steep red dirt slopes on our bums and swimming under beautiful waterfalls. Just another one of our adventures on this amazing Hawaiian Island that could not have been more appropriate for Earth day.
We really took the day to appreciate the incredible environment earth offers up for us to explore and remind us why it is so important to protect and preserve.