By Cath Hough
Crystal blue waters glistened as we navigated our way around Petit Rameau into Hoof Channel, Tobago Cays. Sandy white beaches, clear water, and uninhabited islands awaited a true tropical paradise.
Swimming over the sandy bottom we were on a mission to spot some turtles. Before long we saw the majestic creatures gliding gracefully through the water. The way they moved was so peaceful. They were happy for us to swim alongside within touching distance, and it was an incredible feeling to be so close to them in the water.
Another breathtaking moment was being hoisted up Sea Dragon’s 96ft mast to take in the stunning views over the Islands. There was no better vantage point to take in the white beaches, different shades of blue to the water and panoramic views across the bay where we were anchored.
As with all adventure in between exploring regular maintenance and ongoing repairs had to be made aboard. Since coming onto the boat I have been amazed at the endless list of jobs it takes to keep a 72ft yacht shipshape! When repairs are noticed they are jotted on the whiteboard in the saloon and once one is completed there will undoubtedly be another to replace it! This week’s task, amongst others, was to sew hanks onto the new staysail we had picked up in Antigua. It was a relaxed and relatively easy process, with three pairs of hands we worked together making it not too time-consuming a task.
With a little bit of work comes a little play, so as a reward we jumped in the water for some snorkeling to take a look at the nearby reef. An underwater world awaited as we swam amongst many varieties of tropical fish, including Blue Tangs, Cow fish, Trunk fish, Grunts, Moray Eel and Tiger Grouper. Watching them go about their life underwater was fascinating as they swam in and out of the coral.
It has been an amazing couple of days exploring this part of the Caribbean, I have seen and experienced so much natural beauty, it is a pleasure to be able to sail here.