What do you call it when two sailboats are in view of each other? A race! We’ve finally got some breeze again after a few interminable days of motorboating towards Bermuda and have had a glorious day sailing upwind, doing 8, sometimes 9 or 10 knots through the waves.

Ruan and Lacey, who had just emerged from seasickness in the calm weather, are back to the struggle again, although all have found their sea legs – no more vomitous offerings to Neptune!  The new struggle is just moving about on a boat that is at a constant 20 degree heel, learning how to use the motion through the waves to propel yourself forward.

Just before sunset, we spotted a sail on the horizon, and the race is on!  Unfortunately, we looked at their AIS beacon as well, and have discovered they’re motoring straight upwind towards Bermuda, while we sail the longer course – hardly sporting.  Still, we’re sailing a lot faster than they’re motoring, so we’ve got some good competition for the first slot on the customs dock tomorrow morning.

-Eric Loss, Captain, Sea Dragon, May 7, 2014

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